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Shoe-Craze day @ Pavilion.
Full update at last!*sigh of relief* My outing with moi best butties at Pavilion last weekend (:From a simple, last minute planned outing turned into a shopping crazy, over budget spending, undecided stops and food hunting session! We took the elevator like a few hundred times, and could never decide on a floor to stop.We spent at least 5 mins to make a decision -.-

The reason was that because, we had to go on a food hunt. Couldnt decide on a place to eat because Miss Low doesnt want anything that has cheese in or even on top of it. Gah! We went from Michealangelo's to Crystal Jade and kept walking till we reached the 6th floor, just to find a place ot dine! Finally, Miss Wandarrr agreed on Dome. Fyi, it was my first suggestion after Crystal Jade.We had to walk this big circle just to go back where we started -.- doh! After sitting for like 10mins scanning the menu at Dome, we did the most embarrasing thing ever. We counted to three; One, Two, Three.. We stood up together and ran walked gracefully over to Sakae Sushi.Oh wonders! We didnt want to spend so much on food that day.

SWai is either covering her face from embarrasment or prolly really pissed at Wendy at that time. HAHA! Sakae Sushi was a big mistake! Everything I ordered, from the salmon to Teppanyaki is either sold out or unavailable.Sad I tell you! I wish they had Sushi King there ): And excuse me mind you, if you think Sushi King is some low/cheapskate japanese restaurant, youre absolutely completely wrong! I think Sakae Sushi is worst! You can barely taste the salmon they serve! The slices are so effing thin! Omg. The only thing I would praise them for is the extra variety of food. The rest is just blah!But i'm not saying Sushi King is the best either, but for an average priced japanese restaurant, its the best(?) so far.Well, if I had extra cash, and a determination to drive 30km away from Kuala Lumpur; The best japanese food/sushi buffet would be the IOI Marriot's Japanese Restaurant. And I can tell you that its DAMN AUTHENTIC. Something like Ninja Jones but only better, lol. Okay anyway back to my outing..

Surely we'll have our regular camwhore sessions right?And i'm nice enough to leave out the watermark of my blog link for printing purposes if you plan to paste this picture up your memory photos wall! *For: Wendy & SeeWai*
Then its shopping time!We dropped by STAGE, got me pairs of Steve Maddens Gladiators and sadly for Erin, as usualy the shoes she wants is out of her size. And SeeWai lost the chance of owning a pair of blue heels ); Sad! Hahah. Then Padini concept store because the girls wanted to redeem their vouchers. While we were browsing around, guess what I spotted.CHARLES & KEITH!Ooh loves. Bought another pair of heels, so did Erin.She got glads too. Then headed over to Forever 21.

I got myself two pairs of chandelier earrings.My favs! I love huge, biggass earrings. Gah! 

Haha, thats what we did while Wendy paid for he goodies.
We took a quick pic under the rain (: And I shall end this post wit a fabulous picture of me!

I looked scared! & I know the editin on this pic is kinda gay.
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