Desa Parkcity with the besties ♥
Another trip to Desa Park City with the besties Wendy & See Wai!

Wendy droved to my place and then I drove down to DPC.
this time blind folding wasnt involve, lol.

the four of us in one car.
Me, Wendy, Erin & SeeWai
and I only wear glasses at night when I drive cause I got that double vision thinggamajigg.
camwhoring timeeee!

when we got there all the memories came back.
the first time all of us were there, when KahYern was back for her summer break.
oh how I miss the other bestie who is in Russia now.
dined at the same restaurant , Pulau Ketam Steamboat.
we looveeee steamboat has been during highschool days and will always be, lol.

after dinner, we had desserts at New Zealand Natural.
mm yummms!

potrait of four of us having our yummeh icecreamm (:

cant wait for the next one!