Zouk's 7th Anniversary.

Zouk's Seventh Anniversary!

Before the lovey and I headed off to Zouk we had dins at One Utama ; Zanmai time with Jacklyn. Some epic moments at the carpark but too bad I havent bought the batts for my camera so didnt get the epic shots lol.

Anyways on the way to Zouk we had even more epic moments of racing through traffic, two mad women driving *ahems* going through all the backlanes in KL to avoid the jam. & tadaaaaa.

So we started off the night by heading to Barsonic, cause we didnt want to stay there the whole night ;

Lovey and I.

Jeslyn, yours truly and Jac.

bumped into Ezraaaa.

and also pinyuuuu.

Then off to Velvet ;

meet the blackberry god of KL haha.
Eric Soong.

Soooooo cute! Jac with her balooooon.

misterr goldfishh.

me, marcus and jeslynn.

jac, john and jeslyn.

had a couple of drinks then off to phuture for a bit, then mainroom where all the craziness begin lol.

Jac tryna pull some karate stunts on Cath.

supermajorcandid shot. Scroll down to know why.

lovey always busy on her phonee.
too many stalkers I guess? hmm

& Jeremy who made us all real tipsy with longisland tea.

Pictures I grabbed from Nelson's camera :

at Velvet.

yours truly, jeslyn, jac and lengyein.

puiyee and I at Mainroom.

Pictures from Cath's ninjacam :

I have no idea what is Jac doing, nor why Jeslyn is pissed and why i'm pouting but ohh yeaaa.

The crowd in main room was HUGEEEE D:

shakingg her boooootay!

oh and the epicness that happened in the dancefloor.
thank god the video isnt up!

Cath and I :)

I was kinda busy on the phone to, lol.

darlinkks* and me!

uhuh, this is where the candid shot/moment thingamajigg happened.

Jac trying to show she's tall hehehe :pp


strutt and poseeee, tons of camwhoring moments.
we just loved ninjacam ; aweesome effects!

see what I mean?
Loved this photo by the way heeeheeee.

& we all got preeeeeeeetty tipsy that night!
T'was a great night with the lovelies, the epicness from dins till the club closed.

More to comeee!



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