21st Birthday (pt. I)
so lets start off with the eve of my birthdayy.
& guess what?
the good ol' buds of mine and my family surprised me by the stroke of midnight.
by jumping onto my bed from the back when I was on the comp.
then as I got downstairs, they brought me a cakeee and pressies!

my greedy face, harhar.
I kidd*
sang me a songg and wished me well wishes.
then it was time to blow of the candles!
but after that, they made me do this silly birthday tradition which I have managed, so far, to have avoided doing, till now.

picking the candles out with my teeth.
thanks to Erin who smashed my face futher.
who came up with this anyway?
after some cake & champagne we adjourned to Ecoba for drinks with the otherrs.
Day 1 ended.
The next day, Day 2.
Mummy & daddykins threw me a dinner at Damansara Palace with close relatives & friends.
As usual, I was fashionably late.
& surprised with a bouquet of roses from the dear sis, and lots and lots of pressieeees!
p/s : pictures arent really in order as it was all from different cameras and stuff.

toasting with the relativesssss.

seewai being all sillyyy!

the girls and I.
ignore the one on the leftt, pffft.

cousin Lylia and I.

brother & sister ; loveee them!

boys being silly with me.

enjoying my sharksfin souuupp.

and thenn they had to make me wear this!

guess who's idea it was ...

yea my dear daddykins.
I know you read my blogg, nice joke daddy, nice joke :p

balooons festtt!

& angry birds hahaha.
then it was time for cakee!

the family and I ;

me and my cakee while I posee all prettyyy haaha.

ending it with a happy family shot
then after that only a few of us continue on at BeerFactory ;

monopoly deal.
somehow, its fun.
especially when u keep winning heeeheeee.

StephJN, candid!

the bunch of us!
till the other days in the upcoming postt, xx.
Anony 2# : Thanks (: secret admirer? hmm.
Wi : Thank uu !