Plan B ;
So the bestie and I had a girls day out, like hungry ghost hunting food haunts lol.
We didnt shop that day but catch up and did loads and loads of nomings!
For brunch we dropped by Plan B since there was so many raves about how fantastic this place is and all. We searched high and low for it, but it was just right infront of Bangsar Village I's entrance #epicfail.
the selection of pastries and such was okayy, not bad, but didn't get to try any ;
will drop by again hmm.

Seewai in deep concentration selecting her meal.
Exterior was normal, what do you expect?
Nicely decorated, simple and clean, LIKES!
It was super sunny that day, and omg, really really humid too.

Hence the sunnies, semi-indoor lol.
& this is when the bestie 'Tweetjack-ed" my phone.

Rootbeer Float and Ice Lemon Tea ;
we needed something 'cooling'.
I had the Cabonara.
& she ordered the Tomato Based and Seafood pasta.
we kinda gobbled down everything cause we were SO HUNGRY, which made me feel super bloated and sleepy after *yawwwwns* then did some windowshopping after.

Outfit of the day :
Vest - Tempt, Australia
Top - Mango
Pants - Goss;ps, Bangsar
Shoes - Wedges from some online blogshop, forgotten the name.
Sunnies - Marc Jacobs
Bag - Longchamp
Then we ascended to Hummingbirds Cafe for desserts!
I heart macaroons!
They had a huge selection of flavors, in my opinion though.
& one of the best macaroons I had in town, the texture and taste was close to perfect.
Silly bestie above and me, busy-ing away on my phone ;

Seewai had the Rainbow cake, she just had to try it cause it was so appealing and colorful. Typical, girls hahah.
It's actually butter cake with loads of coloring, but the texture and taste was pretty darn good.
walked around for abit more, then we both went our separate wayys.
& then for dinner I had ..
Japanese food, as per usual (;
had to much to eat, I'm starting to put on weight. I dont know if that's a good or bad thing, but yeah.
Anyways, will be taking a short hiatus.
Finals around the corner.
till then!