Lovesprk ♡ putting the spark back into dating!
After 3 years of dating, and with a work and social life to upkeep, you just want to spend your free time resting or just lazing around at home. With that being said the spark in your love life might just fizzle out. Then here comes the typical routine dating lifestyle, where two people just get very comfy in their comfort zone. Although you do love each other so very much, planning a date, a trip or whatever might feel like a stretch to you.

Here's where Lovesprk's come in. Malaysia’s very first date concierge portal aims to put the fun back in dating by presenting couples with one-of-a-kind dates specifically curated for its users by taking the hard work out of it but offering pre-planned dates for couples to choose from. Through the website ( you can also to make your pre-planned date a little more amazing by adding on a chauffeur driven limo or even surprise your lady with a wonderful bouquet of flowers! You can choose dates that involves a wonderful spa retreat or even a yoga class together, Lovesprk will handle all the details for you and all you have to do is just book and go.
“We want to take all the hard work out of the process by offering fully packaged date ideas – from luxurious to fun and sometimes, even a little quirky,” says Tanuja Rajah, co-founder of Lovesprk.
“Adults in committed relationships want their love lives to be great. When the relationship is new, we put in so much effort to create the ‘perfect’ date. Yet as time goes by, life gets in the way. Busy work schedules, children and budgets often zap our energy to try fresh, exciting experiences. But we believe that we should all ‘date’ our partners more,” explains
- Jonathan Victor, Lovesprk’s other co-founder.
We picked out the dinner date at Zenzero as we were both foodies and would really want to compare the difference of having Lovesprk plan the night out for us compared to the nights where we planned it on our own.“Adults in committed relationships want their love lives to be great. When the relationship is new, we put in so much effort to create the ‘perfect’ date. Yet as time goes by, life gets in the way. Busy work schedules, children and budgets often zap our energy to try fresh, exciting experiences. But we believe that we should all ‘date’ our partners more,” explains
- Jonathan Victor, Lovesprk’s other co-founder.
When we got there we were seated at a lovely quaint corner which was very intimate and nicely decorated.
We were then presented with a menu specialised for us! How lovely was that. No wasting time on thinking of what to have other than choosing the maincourse lol. And while we were briefly browsing through, here comes the waited pouring a glass of Sauvignon Blanc for myself and Merlot for him.
(which he end up switching with me as he preferred the white and thought it would go better with his main course).

First dish of the night was the "Burratta Pugliese" served with onion and broccoli.
I loved it as it went well with my wine.

Our main course consisted of (for him) Atlantic Cod and (for myself) Black Angus.
Ended the dinner with the traditonal Chocolate Molten Lava cake.
*note to self : STOP SLOUCHING!*
All of which taste really good (I've always been a fan of Zenzero) but what made it different this time round was the fact that we didn't have to worry about the bill (all your dates have to be paid upfront) and some how that made a different. Secondly the whole fact about not worrying about anything that day as all I had to was dress up and head out made a huge difference! No incoming calls to reconfirm my reservation, and etc.
Me and the boyfriend finally had time to just sit back and relax. For a very long time we haven't had a proper intriguing conversation that didn't lead to any disagreements or small debates, I guess this is because we left all the planning to Lovesprk and just went with the flow. It was definitely a breath of fresh air, and we had tons of laughters that night. I AM NOT KIDDING! At some point I just looked at him and said "Hey, this is really really nice. I haven't heard us talk like this for a while now and yes we spend almost every day every hour together and at sometimes I thought we've ran out of things to talk about but look at us now! This is really fun".
It was nice to be doing something on a random weeknight and to get out of the house, have a little alone time together.
To many more wonderful dates!
We then continued chilling outside as the boyfriend needed a smoke and I still had a glass of wine to enjoy.
No rush and no fuss!
What about you? How would you like to keep your spark alive?
Why don't give Lovesprk a try and tell me what you think!
I myself definitely recommend it and I think all couples should leave the worrying the someone else once in a while ;) Lovesprk was chosen as one of 18 top startups to breakout in 2015 by Tech In Asia .
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Outfit of the night :
Dress from Lovey Dovey Fashion (
Shoes from Winsor Smith
Bag from Gucci